We made liberty bells!!
- Toilet Paper Roll
- Plastic Cup
- Rectangle of Tin Foil, enough to
cover cup
- Bell
-Pipe Cleaner
- Marker
1. Wrap Plastic cup with Tin Foil.
2. Have teacher make a hole in the
bottom of the cup and the middle of the toilet paper roll.
3. Fold pipe cleaner in half and attach
pipe cleaner to the bell, push up through the top of cup and into toilet paper
roll and fold extra over.
4. Write FREEDOM on toilet paper roll
and draw crack on cup.
*** We hot glued the toilet paper roll
onto the cup to make sure they wouldn't fall off!
The kids loved to ring
these all day!
Thanks to A
Cupcake for the Teacher:
Our class chose which one
they wanted to make. They look great!
Here is our bulletin board, the kids all had facts about either
president and as we read a book about each they had to guess which went to
Thanks to First Grade Fever by Christie
How cute! You have the neatest project ideas, Alysha!